Poulsbo Chamber Membership Levels
There are more than 2,000 businesses in the 98370 zip code, and about half of them are small businesses. Poulsbo is defined by, and has been built by, a diverse group of intrepid entrepreneurs chasing dreams and lifestyles, and sharing their passions with customers locally and abroad. We also host some impressively large producers, light industrial manufacturers, and companies poised for tremendous growth.
We invite you to join us and become a part of the Poulsbo Business Community. Below are our different levels of membership. All receive the base benefits and each package adds to that to add value for your business.
Questions? Please call us 888-490-8545 or email us.

Invitation to all Chamber Events
Discount to Chamber Luncheons
Receive Monthly Chamber
Listing in Digital & Print Directories
Member to Member Discounts

All previous benefits plus:
Ribbon Cutting for your business
1st luncheon free +3 min to speak
Listing on the Chamber website
Referrals from the Chamber team
Membership Window Cling
Brochure Rack Card Space
Host an After Hours Mixer (one a year – limited availability)

All previous benefits plus:
Up to 4 postings a year in our monthly newsletter
Use of Chamber meeting space
Ability to post jobs on our website and in the newsletter
One social post a month

All previous benefits plus:
3min to speak at another luncheon
Business logo on the Chamber website
Business write-up in one monthly newsletter
Business card space at the Visitor’s Center

All previous benefits plus:
Business name/address highlighted in the business directory (published yearly)
Placement of promotional materials at luncheons
Business logo highlighted on the website for 1 year

All previous benefits plus:
Be a luncheon sponsor once a year (reservation required–limited opportunities)
Special recognition at the Chamber’s Annual Gala
Special recognition at the Chamber’s monthly luncheons
Ability to provide promotional materials in each new member welcome packet
Additional category listing in the directory
Ad on Chamber website for 1 month