Membership Form

We believe being part of the Poulsbo Chamber of Commerce shows your active support of the community and is a good investment for your business. We look forward to having you as a Chamber Member.

The following entities qualify for a membership discount, please contact the Chamber at (888) 490-8545 to provide proof of status and for billing:

  • Non-Profit (proof required please)
  • Educational Organization
  • Historic Downtown Poulsbo Association Members
Fields marked with an * are required

Business Information

Contact Details

I want the following!

Select an Option *
Would you be interested in participating in our Member-to-Member Discount Program?

Member to Member Discounts will be given and received on an honor system. Your discount will be listed on the Chamber website for other members to see. Discounts will be given by verbal inquiry and request only. Please make sure your staff has been informed of your discount if one is requested.

Total: $0.00